
Report: Most Americans don't trust cloud security

Although the cloud is seen by many enterprises as a way to improve data storage and critical infrastructure, many consumers seem to consider it an extension of current computer security concerns. A recent report by Harris Interactive, 76 percent of Americans have concerns about the protection of files, emails and photos stored in the cloud. The survey, which compiled the responses of over 2,000 Americans about the perceived effectiveness and security of cloud services, found that many doubted the cloud's ability to keep their personal information safe, although many people remain confused about what the cloud is and does.

The most common concerns cited by the respondents about possible cloud security compromises included losing files, which 35 percent of respondents said was an issue. Thirty-four percent were concerned about files not being stored securely, while 30 percent worried about the perceived loss of control of data in the cloud. Twenty-eight percent were worried about a compromised file of an embarrassing nature being made public and 21 percent were worried about computer viruses.

One of the problems with the cloud is that misconceptions about how the cloud works and what it is used for remain, which can mar the judgment of many respondents. One-quarter of the respondents said that they didn't understand what the cloud is. But out of the respondents who said that they don't currently feel comfortable saving files in the cloud, but could in the future, 84 percent cited specific actions that could increase their level of trust. The two most-cited answers, proof of security (54 percent of those surveyed) and guarantee of security from a trusted company (44 percent), are in line with prevailing computer security attitudes. People have grown accustomed to seeing web server SSL certificates and other visible indications that a website is safe.

Is there any truth to the rumor?
While public opinion may sway in one direction, it's certainly worth observing expert opinions on the issue, especially because misconceptions about the cloud almost certainly colored some of the responses. Network security analyst Sue Marquette Poremba recently wrote that the debate about the cloud often boils down to empirical evidence, or the lack of it. While many consumers remain skeptical, she wrote, small and medium-sized businesses reported that security has improved in the cloud.

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