
Mobile health could benefit from encryption

Mobile Health options are growing at a rapid rate, spurred by a consumer base that loves the convenience of using apps to monitor their health. Now patients can view test results, schedule appointments, and communicate with doctors - all by opening an app. But according to HealthITSecurity, the rising popularity of MHealth calls for increased security measures to protect the data it stores.

MHealth encrypted
MHealth is a convenient option for consumers and providers, but it also runs the risk of exposing patient data. Encryption through VPN or SSL certificates are the solution, according to the article. Built-in encryption can help providers store data securely and thus maintain their clients' trust.

According to an article in mHealth News, the mobilization of private health data has opened up myriad security risks. For example, if a patients' health data is on his iPad and the patient then misplaces that device, he makes it susceptible to a security breach. The fact that so much private health data is literally floating around in the street means proper security measures must be taken to secure that data. That is where encryption presents a valuable option, as long as it is comprehensive. To ensure data is secure, one must make sure it is encrypted within the applications, at rest, in backup, and in transit.

Data in transit can be susceptible to security breaches. According to the University of California, Berkley' encryption guidelines, the transitional phase is a vulnerable time for data because it runs the risk of being spied on by unauthorized parties. The potential negative impact of breached data on server-to-client communications is devastating. But when Web information is protected by SSL, that risk is significantly reduced.

Make sure to be proactive and protect your data with an SSL certificate.

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